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Using exit interviews to improve your organisation

Exit surveys and exit interviews is a way to collect information and give an organisation a unique perspective on its performance and level of employee satisfaction. Some people who leave are brutally honest about their experiences while others may fear repercussions and lie or dumb down the severity of negative experiences.

Use your exit interview data

There are organisations that perform exit interviews but not know why or how to use the feedback collected. This is a real waste of time and money. Investigating why employees leave should be an essential part of a company’s strategic planning, but many miss this opportunity.

Don’t assume you know everything – exit interviews tell all

If you work in a small organisation, you may feel you’re small enough or turnover is so low that you know why employees leave, but it easy to make assumptions that will naturally be biased in the organisation’s favour.

For example: It may seem clear that an employee is leaving because they want to work closer to home, but there could be many underlying reasons.

Exit interview practices and policies vary widely according to company size and industry, but human resource professionals agree on at least three points:

  • Organisations should have a formal exit interview policy
  • Exit interviews should be reserved for voluntary separations, because issues raised by layoffs and terminations for cause will require a special approach
  • Exit interviews should be extended to all departing employees and not just key performers or long-term employees

For more information about Insync’s exit surveys and interviews please contact us.

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