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One simple but powerful customer metric

Measure customer loyalty and advocacy with one simple number.

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Net Promoter Score

Net Promoter Score® is a simple yet powerful tool for measuring customer loyalty and advocacy, and is a leading indicator of future business growth. It asks your customers if they are likely to recommend your organisation to others.

By classifying respondents as promoters, passives, or detractors, it offers you actionable ways to refine your offerings and enhance customer experiences. This invaluable metric drives customer retention and transforms them into brand champions, fostering sustainable expansion and carving a competitive edge in the marketplace. Applicable to various industries, NPS is essential for cultivating enduring customer connections.

NPS Promoters, Detractors and Passives

When conducting an NPS survey, customers are asked to rate how likely they are to recommend a product or service to others on a scale of 0 to 10. Based on their response, customers are classified into three categories; Promoters, Detractors and Passives.

NPS Promoters

These are customers who are highly satisfied with the product or service and are likely to recommend it to others. Promoters are seen as brand advocates and help to drive growth through word-of-mouth referrals.

NPS Passives

Passives are customers who are satisfied but may switch to other suppliers if a better deal comes along and may not be enthusiastic enough to recommend it to others. Passives are perceived as being neutral, but can potentially be of the most value of these three groups. Engaging Passives and converting their feedback into business opportunities to improve their experience with you can promote Passives into Promoters.

NPS Detractors

Detractors are unsatisfied customers who are not loyal advocates and may be actively providing negative ‘word of mouth’. Detractors are the most likely to damage a company’s reputation, and can actively navigate potential customers away from your business. If not remedied, this segment will not only take their business elsewhere, but can undermine other brand and business attributes.


How a Net Promoter Score can help your business

Incorporating Net Promoter Score into a well-designed CX program will help you drive customer-centricity and provide a high performance, evidence-based approach to improving customer experience.

Insync can help you design your CX programs to ensure you don’t make some of the common mistakes when using the Net Promoter Score. Our help can also reduce the likelihood of manipulation of your CX program. If you are going to interrupt your customers to get their feedback you should make sure your whole program is well designed and integrated into all your appropriate business processes.

This will include helping you design your CX program with appropriate “close the loop” functionality that ensures customer concerns are promptly identified and followed up which ensures an ongoing cycle of continuous improvement.

Improve customer relationships with your Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Leveraging Net Promoter Score results starts with segmenting responses into promoters, passives, and detractors. Follow up with customers to address concerns and demonstrate their feedback matters. Identify common issues, prioritize them, and develop targeted strategies to enhance customer experience. Train employees to improve communication and problem-solving abilities.

Focus on converting passives into promoters through personalized experiences and incentives. Reward promoters for their loyalty and encourage them to share positive experiences on social media and review platforms. By proactively using NPS insights, businesses can foster a customer-centric culture, build lasting relationships, and drive sustainable growth. Contact Insync today to discuss your opportunities in driving up your Net Promoter Score, and fostering positive, customer lead growth.

Here at Insync, we are customer focused. We help organisations do their best for their customers and patients through a wide array of mechanisms including our patient surveys, and patient feedback for GP accreditation. We also measure the effectiveness of corporate structures through board effectiveness reviews and employee engagement initiatives. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive range of surveys and corporate barometers.

*Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a registered trademark, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.

What our clients say

Insync Testimonial
Since we started using Insync, CSIRO has developed valuable insights into our customers’ experience and how we can improve and enhance their journey. The NPS is an important KPI for us and Insync make it easy to collect and analyse customer responses in real time. You provide comprehensive analysis in your reports which our research leaders and executive use to inform them about enhancing our customer engagement. Thank you Michael and Ian - you are fantastic!
Wendy Reid

Business Engagement & Solutions Manager

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